Setup Guide

Bridge Widget

The Bridge widget is a drop-in framework that handles on\off ramping of NGN. It works with vanilla JavaScript and all major JavaScript frameworks.

Getting Started

  1. Sign up at (, once your NGNC account has been activated you will be eligible to access NGNC Bridge and customize the bridge widget to fit your business.

  2. Update your Bridge widget setup with your public key from the bridge credentials page.


Using NPM

npm install @ngnc/bridge

Using Yarn

yarn add @ngnc/bridge

Using unpkg CDN

<script src=""></script>

Import it into your project

import Bridge from "@ngnc/bridge"



This is your Bridge public key from the Bridge dashboard

const widget = new Bridge({ key: "Bridge_Public_Key" });

Your key is required


Enter the transaction type (buy / sell)

const widget = new Bridge({ key: "Bridge_Public_Key", type: "TYPE" });

The type of transaction is required


Parse in the transaction data to be sent

const widget = new Bridge({
    key: "Bridge_Public_Key",
    type: "TYPE",
    data: {
        amount: "0",
        network: "Stellar",
        wallet_address: "link_test@stellar"

The data object is required


This function is triggered when a user successfully performs a transaction.

const widget = new Bridge({
    key: "Bridge_Public_Key",
    type: "TYPE",
    onSuccess: (response) => console.log(response)

This function is required


This function is invoked when the widget has been mounted unto the DOM. You can handle toggling your trigger button within this callback.

const widget = new Bridge({
    key: "Bridge_Public_Key",
    type: "TYPE",
    data: {
        amount: "0",
        network: "Stellar",
        wallet_address: "link_test@stellar"
    onSuccess: (response) => console.log(response),
    onLoad: () => console.log("Bridge widget loaded successfully")


This method is called when certain events in the NGNC Bridge flow have occurred, for example, when the widget launches or when a transaction is successfully complete. This enables your application to gain further insight into the NGNC Bridge onboarding flow.

const widget = new Bridge({
    key: "Bridge_Public_Key",
    type: "TYPE",
    data: {
        amount: "0",
        network: "Stellar",
        wallet_address: "link_test@stellar"
    onSuccess: (response) => console.log(response),
    onEvent: (eventName, eventDetail) => {


This function is called when the user exit the bridge widget flow.

const widget = new Bridge({
    key: "Bridge_Public_Key",
    type: "TYPE",
    data: {
        amount: "0",
        network: "Stellar",
        wallet_address: "link_test@stellar"
    onSuccess: (response) => console.log(response),
    onClose: () => console.log("Bridge widget has been closed")


This method is used to load the widget onto the DOM, the widget remains hidden after invoking this function until the open() method is called.

const widget = new Bridge({
    key: "Bridge_Public_Key",
    type: "TYPE",
    data: {
        amount: "0",
        network: "Stellar",
        wallet_address: "link_test@stellar"
    onSuccess: (response) => console.log(response)



This method makes the widget visible to the user.

const widget = new Bridge({
    key: "Bridge_Public_Key",
    type: "TYPE",
    data: {
        amount: "0",
        network: "Stellar",
        wallet_address: "link_test@stellar"
    onSuccess: (response) => console.log(response)


Event Name

Event names correspond to the type key returned by the raw event data. Possible options are in the table below.

Last updated